When on the product page choose the "With Inventory Management" option and enter the quantity you would like to order. Pay for the vouchers using your preferred payment method.
If it is your first time ordering, you will receive an email with log in credentials as well as an email confirming your order. If it is not your first order, you will receive only one email confirming your order.
From the main dashboard, click on the "Xvoucher" tab. Locate the exam type you would like to assign and click the "assign" button. A window will pop up and you will enter the first name, last name, and email address of the student.
Once a product has been assigned to a student, they will receive two emails – one with log in credentials and one letting them know that an product has been distributed to them.
The student will log in to their account. They will see any items that have been assigned to them. They will click on the item they want to access, click the green begin button and they will receive their product or directly access their product from the platform.